Monday, December 3, 2007

Mythbusters Extra Credit

It's too late to receive credit for the extra credit but I'll just put it on here anyway because it may come in handy.

1)What episode did you watch?
Online I watched the episode "Shooting Fish in a Barrel."

2)Describe the episode and who was in it.
The episode was basically Adam and Jamie trying to see if the saying 'as easy as shooting fish in a barrel' is really that easy. They experimented different ideas such as if the fish was alive and how big the fish would be and the different measurements that would take place. And, of course, Adam and Jamie are in it.

3)How did the Mythbusters follow general lab safety?
They put a barrel inside of a 'cage' so no one would get hurt.

4)Did they break any?
Yes, they did. First, when Jamie was making the motor he didn't use safety goggles. Also, when Jamie was trying to shoot the fish he and Adam were supposed to wear googles to protect their eyes.

5)How did the episode use science?
The episode used science by using the scientific method. They stated the problem, formed a hypothesis, researched, made an experiment, tested it, made a few changes and tested it again, etc.

6)Why would you need a science backround for a career in special effects?
You would need a science backround because it needs to look real; plausible. If it doesn't but looks really fake that won't help.


LiViN' wAtErMeLoN cRaZy said...

hey is it called coloryellow cuz of those books? xoxo!

guitargirl said...

what books? lol.
whats upp? =]