Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tagging MeMe thing

The rules are as follows:

Each player answers the six questions posted on this blog.

The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those answers are listed.

At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their blog names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
1. My favorite TV show is.......(explain why)
there are so many...but i'd have to say that it would be (i forget the name but its like a prank show) because it's so funny and makes me crack up.
2. My favorite meal is...... (explain the meal in detail)
chicken fried rice. THERE IS NO UNCERTAINTY. its tanish brownish rice that has chicken, and broccoli with it.
3. My favorite nonschool activity is...... (explain why but do not give specific names that can identify you)
would be sleeping if that counts as an activity. otherwise, shopping. i love being in the mall and just
4. Someone I look up to is....... (explain why)
my mom. sometimes she just says these really random things that make me laugh so hard and then after i'm done she asks "what is SO funny?" with this peculiar expression
5. My goal for the future is.....
to be an actress
6. In the first hour after school I usually do...... (explain why but do not give specific events or names that can identify you)
im either on the phone or doing my homework, to get it done so i can watch tv and do other things.

1 comment:

guitargirl said...

heyy..whats up? whose pinkweirdo?

cyaa =]